Big Steve

Just a man trying to become a better Christian following Jesus and those that follow him.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Catching Water

I just witnessed one of the coolest things you could see. Tonight it was bath night for Jonah and that is just a fun time for Alasha and I. I can remember the first time we put him in the tub. It was the funniest thing you want to see. Jonah has this look that says’ “uh, what are you doing with me? Did you take a parenting class to handle me? You are making me nervous.” He gives this look to anyone he meets for the first time and to people who introduce him to new things (toys, foods, etc). So when we put him in the tub and he just sat there looking at us, we were laughing very hard, trying not to scare him. Eventually he got the idea that it was ok and struck the water, both hands – hands down, and it shot back up in his face. Again he had that look on his face that said, “hey what is stuff doing to me”. After a while he was playing and having a good time.
I guess the thing that inspired me to write this blog is what I just saw Jonah trying to do. Alasha turned the water on to fill the tub back up as the water slowly drains out of our tub. All of a sudden Jonah was reaching out with both hands trying to catch the water stream coming out of the faucet. His hands keep clapping together as he tried to catch the water. It was hilarious. His big brown eyes getting bigger than ever as he tried with all his might to catch the water stream. He would look back at Alasha and then try again. The funny thing is as I was watching him, and he not knowing that he couldn’t watch the water; it dawned on me that there are a lot things I know I can’t do yet I continue to try, or questions I don't know the answer to. I suppose you will here this message from me a lot. I just want to remember that know matter what – “Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.”(Rom 7:25 NLT) God Bless You!


  • At 11:40 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

    I love those amazing firsts. They happen all of the time. You look at your spouse and realize...He's never seen a dog before! He's never felt sand before! He's never experienced snow before! Then you strain to imagine what your little one is thinking about as he experiences this first.


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