Big Steve

Just a man trying to become a better Christian following Jesus and those that follow him.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Power of Encouragement!

I have recent made some connections to an orginization through Emily our intern for Micah Project here at PUMP. The orginization is POIC (Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center). I am working with the director of mentoring for POIC Kim Filla to work with a group of 5 young men. I will get to encourage those young men and let them know that someone cares. That is a powerful concept. You have heard it said, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all". Well I say, "Find something good to say". For those of you that don't like to come across as "fake" just tell how good God has been to you and tell someone He can do it for them too. I am sure Paul was greatful for Barnabas (Son of encouragement - Acts4:36) upon his return to Jerusalem (Acts 9:19-31)
God bless your day and remember to encouarage.


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